Another sunset..

..a morning of phone calls. To the bank for the Development company, because they've started charging us (the development company) for transactions. I didn't mind too much when it was 35 p for this, and 37 p for that, but the last statement shows a cash deposit of £2600 and we were charged 67 p for each £100 - £17.42 in total..

So I rang the local branch and ended up speaking to someone in Edingurgh for over 30 minutes. She then told me it was a business account, and that I should be speaking to someone else. So I was transferred to the business section, where, after another 10 minutes, I was given a number for my local business adviser in Dingwall. I knew that the adviser I set the account up with, in Ullapool, had left, and this was a new name. A woman answered the phone, so I asked for Mr Financial Adviser, only to be told that he'd left too. She would put me through to the replacement adviser, but he'd only just come back off holiday and was snowed under with work. So I explained why i wanted to speak to him, and she took notes, and account numbers, and sort codes, and security passwords, and said she'd discuss it with him and see if we could get a waiver on the fees. She'd call me back.

The development company is a non profit company, registered as a charity, and with limited funds. We beg and plead for money from Councils, and Governments, and Lotteries, and from any one else who is prepared to give us money. We have very little of our own money. Anyway, about an hour later I got the return call, and yes, the fees will be waived from now on. Success!!

Then I tried to get hold of Halfords as we need some work doing on the car still, a problem that should have been picked up when it was MOT'd a few weeks ago. Eventually got through, and arranged to go in Thursday.

Then a harvest for the hotel and restaurant, then deliver them, which I had to do by myself because G's not feeling too good..

And finally, a Village Hall meeting to work out who's doing what for the ceilidh trailers event on Saturday..

I did find time to get this sunset blip..

Music (sorry about the 17 second advert)..

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