Day in NYC with Stella

Today Stella had an early dismissal day for Teacher meetings. So, I took her out of school altogether and we took the train into the city. We had a great time. We started at the American Girl store where she had her doll's hair done and we bought an outfit. Then we took the subway downtown and had Peanut butter and fluff/nutella sandwiches at Peanut Butter Co. near Washington Square. After that we took the subway back up and had dessert at Serendipity. We bought a dress for Stella for an upcoming wedding at Bloomingdales (with a minor detour through Saks), then back to Grand Central and home. Whew, what a day. Lots of pictures of Stella in different places. Hard to find a "cool" NYC shot when alone with a child in the city. Can't take your hand or eyes off of her. This will be a day we both always remember and an hour in kindergarten will surely not be missed. Check out the picture on Stella's page too - Sorry, can't tag it yet, because I didn't upload it yet.

PS not sure why I have been away from Blipping for such a long time. Think I was getting frustrated with my subjects and lack thereof. hmmm maybe I can get back in the groove.

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