Old and new... fences and freezers

I got a cry for help from J yesterday: her brother had called at her house on Saturday before visiting her in hospital, only to find that her freezer had conked and there was a dreadful mess... not to mention stink!

Bill had ordered a new freezer, to be delivered tomorrow, so J asked if I would go in, fling open windows and clean the floor where the old one had leaked, prior to the new one being installed.

As I'm sure you can imagine, it wasn't the most pleasant of jobs, but I got it done with the help of bleach, disinfectant, a scrubbing brush and lots of elbow grease! A squirt or two of room freshener helped too.

I took a break to have a walk along to Buchanan Smithy from where I blipped this. The view of Loch Lomond wasn't as good as I'd hoped, so I resorted to concentrating on the rusty old barbed wire.

Tomorrow I'll go back to J's to take delivery of the new freezer, by which time I hope the house will be smelling a lot fresher than it was today.

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