youngies journey

By youngie66

Passing Time Away

Well an early start today and I have just came over the Tay Bridge which you can see in the background and I'm ahead of schedule so I was stopped at the signal and decided to get this shot of my train from my lookout position up top with the Tay and the Tay Bridge in the shot also as I waited for the Scotrail service leaving platform 4 and it was a fairly quiet day and have managed to get an earlier appointment at the hospital for my 1st year check up of me and my c-pap machine as it holds a SD Card that stores my sleep or stuff like that hours usaged and humidity levevels I set hopefully it doesn't register my thoughts in my dreams ooerr lol now wouldn't that be a story,sigh oh well movie for the day is " The Lookout 2007" looks nice BIG too See Ya

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