Fraggle Rock

By frisky

Sunset Over Auld Reekie

It's been a weekend of ups and downs for myself.

Recent events in my personal life has caused a lot of self doubt, questioning the world, and generally feeling a little lost & confused.

The end of a relationship is a messy affair, full of sadness and tears - However, I'm trying to look more at the relationship before it ended - Being thankful for the time I shared with the person - And the experiences I had while I had them in my life.

Tonights blip represents more than the end of a day to me - It's time to take stock, and focus on what I do have, and what I can do.

Got a few musical choices this evening - But I am sure that I'm not the only person who can use music to punctuate their own life stories...

For my Chloe - I never ever wanted children, I knew I was good with kids - But never really had the "Paternal yearning/broodiness". Something changed when I was with Erin and we decided to try for a baby - When I found out she was pregnant I was over the moon, when I found out it was a little girl I was even more over the moon. Chloe is and always be my life. Everything I have, everything I can be - It's all for her now.

This one makes me think of Erin. And the first time we both realised how strongly we felt for each other - No matter how much we said "Just friends" or "Just casual" it was very apparent to us both that things were way deeper than that.

Someone always said this song reminded her of me - She did say it was in a good way, and it became the start of an unforgetable evening.

Back when I got married (Yes - Married & Divorced), "Canon" was the wedding march - Now as I was burning the CD to be used there was a lot of threats to my then-fince about replacing the original classical version with this...

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