
By shy


The journey starts here....

I have always wanted to have a copy of photoshop so that I could really get into the post-processing part of photography, and today I finally got hold of a second-hand computer which was loaded with photoshop 7.

Yes, I know it's not CS3 and I know it's rather an old computer - but it's mine, and it can be totally dedicated to photographs.

Of course, the problem is that I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with it. So I've taken a picture of the garden furniture outside my hotel in Surrey where the poor patrons have to go for a cigarette.
So, the picture was taken on Tuesday, and I've been farting about with it in photoshop for two days under the illusion that I'm learning something, and now I'm backloading it on Friday.

I dedicate this picture to Portobelloman because its his 200th about now and I know that this photoshopoverthetoppishness is just about up his street.

The picture may be crap, but it was fun to do.

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