
By CleanSteve

Amazing colours and intricate flowers

Frank s. rang a little earlier than I expected to arrange our blipmeet at the Black Books cafe at lunchtime. Woodpeckers and I got there a few minutes late but that didn't seem to matter as we got a hearty wave from Frank and Ann who were happily ensconced on the big settee. We had been trying to meet for many months, ever since Woodpeckers and Frank first made contact. It turned out that they have mutual acquaintances in Stroud and made a detour to visit us whilst on their way to their abode by the sea in south Devon, which sounds wonderful to me.

After beginning to get to know one another it was soon time for us to go our different ways, but I am sure we shall meet again. We would be daft not to as they are such good fun. Even Helena and I went separate ways as I had some work to do and she was off to the cinema. My task was to visit John W. who had kindly offered to help me test out various mounting systems for the pictures I have had printed for the public Neighbourhood Development Plan exhibition next Sunday.

In the end John's wife Liz added some of her good practical experience of exhibition mountings and after much discussion the first test worked out perfectly for our purposes. I will pick up another ten A2 prints tomorrow and then hopefully John will help me mount them. An extra pair of hands is really helpful, as are his brains!

I showed John my new macro lens, as he specialises in microscopic photography, and took a few pictures including this one of the beautiful hydrangea Liz grows in a patio pot. I found the range of varied colours of the many flowers particularly exquisite, and they had to be blipped. I do recommend pressing 'L' to see a large version of the intricate stamens of the flowers at the centre of the plant.

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