Bit of a blip fail

After last nights antics to hear shouts of daddy at 3,4 and 5 o clock was not greeted with glee. At 6 she was allowed into our room but was hardly calm. Unsuccessfully tried to convince her to have a sleep at 9;30 but total fail.

She fell asleep in the car as we headed over to the Ginny Ring to an animal day, but only for about 30 minutes.

She was tired when we arrived, then disaster struck! A full size Peppa pig. To say she was terrified was an understatement. Charlotte go home was all she would say for ages. We fed the ducks, one pecked her hand! We walked (I carried her) to see the donkeys, but no cajoling would persuade her to have a ride, me a bit scared was repeated lots.

Eventually auntie Sarah struck on the idea of icecream which she happily ate, until dropping it onto the ground whilst trying to feed the ducks!

She then didn't sleep on the way home and refused sleep once back!


It got till about 5pm when I realised I hadn't taken a single picture so tea blip taken.

William has chilled, drunk milk, smiled and been a happy soul!

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