Different Time Zones

Or at least it should be. Meet Harry, Rosina's Australian boyfriend who she left in Melbourne 2 weeks ago and expected to be reunited with in October when he comes to the UK for a year. Boy did she get a surprise when he turned up at the club in Camden where she had gone with friends last night to celebrate her 21st birthday. Apparently this summed up her reaction.

Harry has never seen snow in his life, so they have booked a snowboard lesson for him at Xscape for next week. I'm sure he will have fun, but I don't know how he will cope with the cold. He slept at the sister in laws house on Friday night, the day of his arrival in the UK and was wrapped in the duvet because he found it cold overnight!

As we have a visitor, I dropped out of my planned 10km road race but did run 11km very early this morning. Did it in 2 parts. Not because I needed a rest but because I needed to take a detour past home for a poo. Bet you're glad I shared that aren't you :-) Ran 11km in 59 minutes which is better than my last recorded 10km (Silverstone in 2002), so I was dead chuffed.

Diana's mum was taken into hospital last night. She's been unwell for over a week now but deteriorated yesterday. I'm sure the fact that she has not been eating well contributed and I'm also sure that they can build her strength up again and she will be as right as rain soon.

BBQ tonight, so if it rains, blame me.

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