
By Photofruitbat

Bastille Day

Well I had a go at a panorama from a Paris balcony for the 14th July. I was thinking of going to the Champ de Mars with a group from Spoken Word - and I would have loved to see them, there being no poetry this week because of it being the 14th - but in the end I couldn't face the C d M because last year getting home was just all too much. I had a really good day with C though, saw C.2 at their place - she was telling me that she visited the place where I'm doing my MA, while she was on Erasmus in London, and she made me feel really positive about my decision, being lovely as she is. She then went out to see A, and I had then kind of a sad but really perfect ending to the night listening to the fireworks in the flat just C and I.

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