Just the Withers......

By JaneW

People I love part 2 !!

As Hugos godmother I take it very seriously that he has as much fun as possible and squeezes as much money as he can from his parents .. Make hay whilst the sun shines I say ;-)

Today I did some photos for the The Brain Tumour Charity .... The rain when it arrived was fierce HOWEVER it did not last long and luckily loads of the children seemed to revel in dancing in the rain and some mud patches and there were plenty of awnings to keep people dry ...
The day was organised by the Juniper Berry family and they did a grand job and had some fantastic volunteers including the children,my Lucy and Lili took over the running of the sweets stall and had a grand time bossing people about and urging them they needed to spend more money.

By the time I went home Mr W could not be bothered to cook so we ate a McDonald's ....

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