With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Bite it

it's a biscuit, not gold, but that's pretty darned tasty.

Little A and I got up earlier than we should so he could run. Third place in the Estiradors street race. I thought it was pretty cool that they ran with a police escort in front and he did some great sprinting behind these guys to push the front three on. They were miles ahead of the rest of the field. Anyway, a fun and energetic way to start the day. Necessary, because the heat by midday was oppressive and I had meetings. All good though. We hod from the sun and the dog put an end to my geraniums (a?) in the window, so I got some petunias to replace them.

Thanks so much for all the lovely comments yesterday. I had worked out some weeks ago that I would like to post this song Five years, but I got swept away in it all....

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