
By hoodedpigwoman


I went out to have a massage today which was very timely. Ouch.

When I came back, they were watching Becket. Alexander had made a crown to be the bad king (although Henry II is probably my favourite king). Katherine Hepburn was definitely a better Eleanor of Aquitaine in The Lion In Winter though...

We had to explain what was going on, but ended up in a digression about how Bonnie Prince Charlie was related to William of Orange, and then a discussion about who was a Good King or a Thug (in Bad Granny's opinion) and whether William the Conqueror being a Viking was something to recommend him.

After it finished Alexander had to re-enact one of the final scenes where Henry proclaims to the crowd that Thomas was now a saint. Bad Granny and Pickled Grandad had to cheer. He certainly has the gravitas but I fear he might be a bit confused now, because after we had a few goes, he announced that 'Thomas is now a Viking'.

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