The adventures of Wooly

By Wooly

Is there a Hokey Cokey in Cornwall?

We set off for sunny Cornwall quite early start this morning (6:30 ish). I don't think the teenagers were quite awake then!! I was a bit worried ewe know as there were these loud bangs & flashes of light in the sky!! What's that all about?

We arrived safely in sunny Cornwall in time for LadyWL & family to enjoy "elevensies" . There were some nice welcoming gifts for LadyWL of a couple bottles of wine! LadyWL's hubby had to make do with Cornwall tea! I'm not shewer he was happy with this though.

As we arrived early we could go off & get supplies before "chillin". I must say that everyone & their dog seemed to be out getting supplies as the sewepermarket was heaving! We had to rely on LadyWL' s OH to swiftly dodge a few cars to get the supplies home before they defrosted!

Afterwards we had a walk around the harbour & some cool refreshments. On the way I saw this sign which made me think... What is it all about ? What do ewe think?

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