As my mood grabs me...

By AlisonM


Having not long got back from my usual visiting father I was going to nip upstairs to knock up a blip as I've taken no pics today.

However I then remembered that I'd been standing at the window at 2.20am trying to catch the odd flash of lighting and have only now had a look at the pics.

On the whole they were rubbish but this was acceptable - hardly anything to write home about but what the heck :)

Quite why I have the wiggly orange lines across the houses I don't know. The source of the bendy light must be the street lamp that is hidden behind my trees though I have no idea why it trails across the pic and bends away. Where the dashed one comes from I don't know.

That said I have a vague memory of reading something about how the shutter moves across when exposing the 'film' which may explain it but I'm not about to go researching it now :)

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