Blowing in the Wind...

Plans made with my beautiful girl yesterday had to be altered after a late night phone call from a customer meant a job first thing this morning. HV bundled the dogs in the car and I followed her to Stromness in the van. I went and sorted out the customer and then met up with HV on the shore.

We wandered the dogs along the shore a little way and stopped to take the obligatory shots of Hoy, its head shrouded in mist. We headed back into Stromness and walked the dogs through the town. Sigyn has always been a pain when doing this - pulling on the lead and barking and making a fuss when we stop walking. Today she walked off lead and at heel all through the town. I am so pleased with her. We stopped at a cafe and sat outside for a coffee and something to eat. Sigyn lay quietly and watched the world go by. Perfect.

A wander round the standing stones after lunch was lovely, though a little breezy. I have always liked watching the barley moving in the wind - waves passing over the top of the crop. My first attempt to take a pic of it has come out reasonably well. The loch of Stenness is in the background.

An early blip today, Emmy is coming round for dinner this evening...

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