Exploring wedding venues

We visited a couple of potential wedding venues this morning. Couldn't have picked a colder morning!

Agnes enjoyed exploring the marquee at the second venue.

As you can see, apart from a hat, she is doing her best Paddington Bear impression.

Thus afternoon I popped into the central part of the city to the market to get Geoff some of hugs 'special' socks, that he swears by and reckons they are the best in hit and cold weather. This means he is all set now with his pants from Bangkok and his socks from NZ.

After the I went for a cappuccino at Black Betty's which was recommended through blip by pene1, who unfortunately has turned off comments at the moment is I haven't been able to have a mini blip meet. I know she is really busy at present so maybe we can meet up in December.

Skyped Jon, Dana and Tim in Bangkok today, Jon and Dana are studying hard god their masters, whereas Tim, who arrived last Tuesday has been hitting the tourist trail. He is off to one of the islands for a week then back to help j and d move before his friend joins him for a couple of weeks in Vietnam.

Then skyped mum and dad, they missed my call by dad interrupted breakfast to call us back. Really hood that they can use the technology and lovely to speak to them.

Hope you are enjoying the hot weather x

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