My Time Abroad

By jrgoode

The Skeleton Twins

I had been wanting to see a film that was a part of the New Zealand International Film Fest so we decided to go tonight, although it sort of defeated the purpose cause we saw an American film. But, it was still really good. It was a film that premiered at the Sundance Film Fest and it won't be released in the States till September so that's cool.

The Skeleton Twins

It starred Kristen Wiig and Bill Hadar who played her gay twin brother. I won't give away too much but Ty Burrell (Dad from Modern Family) also plays a role and Luke Wilson does a hilarious performance as Kristen's character's husband. I really liked it, it was a dark comedy/drama which is a genre I enjoy. The theatre served wine.

Above is a picture of the Auckland Civic Theatre taken with my GoPro. It's mainly a theatre for plays I believe, but was the main theatre hosting the festival along with 4 other smaller ones. We saw ours at Academy Cinemas just down the block. I'm hoping to get back before the end of the festival to see one there because it's supposed to be a really great theatre with sound and all. It was beautiful. My teacher today in my NZ Cinema class was saying something like the guy who built it hardly made any money off it because he finished in 1929 and the Stock Market crashed. But he sure did a good job!

Buses run a lot less frequently late at night so after waiting a while for one to get home and then walking home from a pretty far station it dropped us at, I'm freezing and also exhausted. G'Nite!

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