
By scribbler


St. Mary's Cathedral, after 5:30pm mass. (SOOC)

A strange afternoon at church. The cathedral was almost empty, but a woman with wild hair and wild eyes dragged her shopping cart in a circle around the baptismal font, then followed me right to my seat and sat down immediately behind me with her cart next to me in the aisle, trapping me in the pew.

Then after mass this elaborately tattooed man walked in, naked from the waist up, and sat down in the front row. His hair was neatly cut and combed, and his manner was quiet, possibly even prayerful. But his attire was odd, to say the least. It wasn't even that hot a day, and the cathedral is air-conditioned.

I'm reminded how grateful I ought to be that I'm (more or less) sane, and that I ought to pray more often for those afflicted in mind as well as body.

"Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither."
— Job

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