
Regretfully I didn't take any photos at the school Super Summer Carnival. Was frankly too busy. So this is a an emergency Blip. (One of Master Bs cosmos flowers. He was given the seeds for his birthday and grew 5 successful plants.)

The bunting was up, the cake stall overflowing, the face painters popular, the dance school wowed the crowds, the tombola rolled, the raffle was drawn, the Pimms was poured and the strawberries and cream gobbled, the ducks were hooked, the goals were scored against teachers, the temporary tattoos went down a treat, and the FODS team worked together brilliantly.

The chidlers were amazingly self contained while I stuck tattoo after tattoo on nearly every child, often more than once! We finally came home utterly exhausted. Kids showered, TV on, tea eaten. Time... for... bed.

I had my mojo back today, it's a rarity at the moment, it certainly felt GOOD!

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