A day of folly and kindness

First day of the Oman weekend. After some chores and tidying up some work stuff, I decided to go out for my daily stroll.

This normally takes me up to a garden area, on to the hypermarket and back to the hotel. It is not far on a map but in this heat it is quite a distance. I decided to go the opposite way round.

I took this shot of the food court at the hypermarket. It is a place were I have occasionally sought some gastronic comfort there. The shot is of the food court at lunchtime during Ramadan.

On my way back, a gentleman stopped in his car and offered me a lift. No, I said, it is just round the corner. But I was grateful for the kind offer.

I decided it was too hot to go to the garden so turned to go directly back to the hotel. It was folly for me to be out in such a heat. Another car stopped and the driver told me to get in. While I was reluctant, he was insistent.

I got in; he told me it was over 40 degrees. He took me round the corner to my hotel. A simple act of kindness for which I was very grateful.

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