Doesn't Remind Me

Audioslave - Doesn't Remind Me

Almost the end of my week. A brutal day to say the least, but a great one. Love all my students, they're improving every week and kicking ass.

Hot weather, challenging... It's like I'm suffocating. Went for another run today with interval training and did some hard sprinting. Feels amazing, and the humidity helps build up an incredible sweat. Made dinner for three nights with a bunch of vegetables that I forced myself to eat about a year ago but have grown to love. Dinner tasted great, especially since I made it myself. Also did another round of washing. Went to the gym earlier in the day also. Also started delving deeper into philosophy from The Open University, some information available on iTunesU.

Most of the time, especially these days, I feel like a complete idiot. I am COMPLETELY out of touch with the world. I'm not up to day with current music, nor am I up to date with internet fads which appear to be the lingua franca of popular culture these days. I would argue that it is much better than ones controlled by major publishing companies and media outlets. Nonetheless, I need to get in touch. I can't stand EDM but I listen to it to understand and enjoy. If I force myself long enough, I'll believe.

I had a long chat with a close friend today and we caught up with our lives. Always good to chat.

I think a major fear many people have in their lives is the fear of being misunderstood. Obviously I only speak from a middle-class Australian / Malaysian / Chinese point of view. I often misstep my words and the breadth of my lexicon is overshadowed by my need to express myself visually, pictures, music, dancing, etc. I'm not a failure in this area, I just haven't given myself the opportunity emotionally and exercised my positive freedom to choose. My negative freedom is plentiful, in that I have many opportunities open to me, unbeknownst or not. But I must capitalize on this ability to be able to better myself. As do we all.

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