
A food blip. Sometimes I wonder does people think that I don't do anything else than eat if they're looking my blips..

But anyhow. This is my breakfast.

I've had a day off from work. Woke up at 11 a.m and went out to eat fresh strawberries with last years frozen gooseberrys & red currants + curd. Read old fitness magazine and relaxed on the hot terrace.

At 1.30 p.m. we had a appointment at one place in the town with Otto. After it we went to eat lunch by the Porvoo river to one restaurants terrace (Glückauf). When we got the food, Otto went to get more water from the desk. I stayed in the table and ate my food. Suddenly a jackdaw flew to eat Otto's food!! I tried to make him go away but he was so determined that it did go away immediatly. All the people in the tables near saw the incident and someone came to help me. The man tried to evict the jackdaw away but it flew only meter away and was watching the food all the time. When Otto came, me and the other people around me, told him what happened and suggested him to go ask if he could get a new meal. Luckily they promised to make him new meal... There was lots of birds flying over the restaurant!! And as soon as someone left the table, they attacked to their left overs. But this particular bird was so rude that he didn't mind that I was still in the table!!
Last year when we have last time eaten in that terrace, there were not birds. The waiter told that they have tried to put some frightnings but the birds don't mind them. And if they'll do something to the birds, they have to pay 6000 euros fine...
Well, Otto got a new meal and the rest of our visit the birds stayed away from our table..

Later I was out with Nelli.
I also cleaned part of our terrace and washed laundry.
Then we went to the kiosk near us to get ice cream.
After it Otto went to work and I'm alone home with the girls.

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