Happy Birthday Poppy

Nine years ago Poppy popped into our lives, what a wonderful thing she is.

After being woken up by the storms at 4 ish we let her have a lie in, H finally woke her at about 7.

Much amazing present opening followed including two of her favourite presents, a quill and ink and an old typewriter, yes folks Poppy is a thoroughly modern girl. She even got a present from a blipfriend (thank Ghengis, she was amazed!).

She really is a little star and just look how she has grown..

Poppy 8
Poppy 7
Poppy 6

I dropped the children then went to play guitar in Church for the Ladies and Children's choirs which was fun.

Finally to work!

At 2 I popped back to school to see Alf get a praise in assembly, I then legged it back home.

Then school to get Poppy, then back to school to get Alfie (guitar lesson), then back to school to take Poppy to her disco which I have to pick her up from in a moment.

Then cricket for Alf, drumming for Poppy after which we will take Pops out for her birthday dinner in the pub.

Happy Birthday lovely Pop xxx


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