Bathroom fiddler
I'm the bathroom fiddler
the bathroom twiddler
the foodler and the doodler
the dawdler and the diddler.
I dibble and I dabble
I meddle and I muddle
when it's time for me to wash
when I know it's time for bed.
When I go up to the bathroom
to get ready for bed
I don't get washed straight away
I fiddle and I diddle.
I pick up the toothbrush
and bite the bristles,
I get the bristles in my teeth and I pull
I pull
I heave
I have a tug of war with the toothbrush
I'm winning I'm winning
Yeurchk - my mouth's full of bristles.
I get the can of talcum powder
I hold it in my hand
I drop my hand down fast
and out comes a puff of powder
but it falls to the floor
Hey, it's snowing in here.
I make mixtures in the sink
pour in the shampoo and the bubble bath
Whisk it all up to make the bubbles
then I say
"OK you bubbles, you're finished."
At that
I blow huge puffs of air
and the bubbles pop all over the place.
Then I stick my finger down the plughole
and scoop out the mucky stuff down there
and then I stand and dream
sucking on the sponge
and then I stand and dream
sucking on the sponge
and dream sucking on the sponge
sucking on the sponge
on the sponge
the sponge
Michael Rosen
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