
By SherriM


Meet Bailee, my sister's Golden Retriever. One of the loveliest, mellowest dogs on the planet.

My Mom and I arrived safe and sound in Denver last night. We spent a wonderful evening with Tami and Michael, Aaron, Deanna and Sawyer, Alyssa and Danny. Laughed until my sides hurt!

Jen, Sarah and Sammy came down this morning to get me, and after some shopping and visiting Jessi's grave, we headed to Granby and have had a most pleasant evening.

Finally had some time today to sit and play with my new toy, the FZ200, and Bailee was a handy subject. I think I finally figured out this digital focusing on the FZ200, but I'm really struggling with the exposure. No matter what I try, images keep coming out over-exposed. I'm open to suggestions!!

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