Michael .....

..... / Michelle.

I started today in hospital with an MRI scan of my ankle injury at 8am so hopefully in a few weeks there should be some answers on the best way of trying to alleviate the on-going pain from the damaged caused last October.

At lunch time I met up with Sam in Leeds for a very enjoyable hour having lunch on the roof garden of the Belgrave.

After Sam had headed back to work I had a bit of a walk around town taking portraits, there is some kind of steam punk gig on in Leeds tonight and I spotted a fair few people in interesting outfits ( and have added a few of those here ). Despite all the interesting outfits in town today I've blipped M here as he was happy just being himself , I first noticed the nail varnish and when I went over and introduced myself and asked for if I could take his portrait M said his name was Michael or Michelle and I called call him either of them.

I'm not very good at making decisions, so today's blip is .....

..... Michael / Michelle.

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