Busy busy busy

Extremely busy day
Up and off to last swim of the term, going to kiss swimming over the holidays but determined to take them both as much as possible.
Contemplating taking them both in my own tomorrow but will see how brave I feel on the morning.

From swimming we headed to Charlotte's BFF birthday party. We were the only nursery invitee but it was lovely. Apart from the mummy, I've done a poo moment! and her complete refusal to sit at the table to eat, it wasn't too bad. Charlotte was obviously extremely tired after a while so we made our excuses and left, she was fast asleep within minutes.

After sleep, family trip to the dentist. Charlotte sat in the chair, lay down and let the dentist see her teeth! Yay. She said she could see that Charlotte is a thumb sucker and suggested we might want to stop this!

From here we headed to the local 241 pub for early tea. Charlotte selected her own tea and ate really well. Home for a play, baths, bedtimes zzzzzzzzzzz

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