From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

I'm too scared to jump!

Back to home working today. My cool front room office is much more preferable to that hot, sweaty office when the weather is good. It smells like a gymnasium in there in the middle of the afternoon. All that puffing and blowing and wheezing.... That's just the machines. The people are worse!

I wrote the above bit this morning. Later I wished I was back in the office! You remember I had three men in to dig up the patio a couple of weeks ago fixing my tree roots and putting a liner in a drainage pipe? I'm positive they disturbed something. One was up on the flat roof messing with a breather thing up there which leads into the main drainage pipe. I had been getting a few flying ants etc. wandering about which I sprayed, got rid of, cleaned and everything else but they still kept getting in.

The fact this is a 1937 house doesn't help. The outside critters always get in somewhere and now that here in Brum we are reaching the dizzy heights of 29 degrees tomorrow, I have had an ant invasion! I feel high on the effects of spraying loads of ant/fly spray in the kitchen. The little sods are coming in where the old kitchen extension was done in the late 70's probably.

I have sprayed all nooks and crannies and have scrubbed everywhere. They are now coming in and dropping down onto my counter where I peel spuds and make sandwiches at a rate of just two per hour which is better. There is no way I was cooking tonight! I'm quite good like that and just clean up, suppressing the urge to run and screech. I merely feel crawly all over and imagine insects wherever I look while I vacuum up the little corpses praying that the relatives don't come to the funeral....

At least Eddie the hedgehog called at 7:45 this morning for his mealworms which is better. Lucky and Eric (my two favourite pigeons) have taken a couple of swipes at each other but have been quite well behaved today.

This little squirrel who I have never met before sat on the shed roof for most of the day twitching his nose. He has watched all his friends scamper along and then hang upside down to get the nuts like people kissing the Blarney Stone. He is too scared to take the plunge! I expect hunger will get the better of him soon.

Go larger.....

Track? It's how I felt today - We Gotta Get Out Of This Place!

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