Year 2, Day 178 - Dunotter

What a day...

Dale was working for a friend in Perth today and I had to go and take some photos west of Stonehaven, so I got up at the crack of dawn to walk the dog before heading off just after 7.30am!!!

The good thing was, I was done by 10.15, so I nipped across to Dunnottar Castle (thanks to Lisa for mentioning it this morning). I'm not very good at landscape shots and I tried to do something a bit different but they didn't work... I liked this one the best out of an average bunch!

Got home and was playing with the dog out the back when he jumped up onto the trampoline, as he normally does, and for some reason he misjudged it and his back legs missed so he gave himself a dunt in the stomach on the metal edge. He cried for about 5 minutes and I was really worried, so he came upstairs with me while I worked. He paced about for a bit and I heard some liquid noises. Turned round and saw some dark reddish liquid on the floor so phoned the vet the headed in.

I had thought blood in urine but after a good check over, she concluded it was vomit and as if on cue, he wretched a couple of times. She thinks he has probably just winded himself which has caused the vomiting so she gave a painkiller which has made him sleepy so he's to rest tonight and I've to call if there are any changes!

Daft mutt gave me a heart attack!!!!

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