Got You

There was a light drizzle when The Cygnet and I left the house to take PD for a walk.
We got about 50 yards and the heavens open.
We were soaked through before we got half way back to the house.
You would think that there would be a clue given before rain that heavy - but Oh No! Every now and again it just arrived.
Even shopping trollies were trying to hide from it.

The first piece of new equipment has arrived and I am glad to say that it looks like our fears of the new playpark being for older kids may be unfounded - but let's not count our chickens.

I am glad to say that the day improved and a handful of us from the camera club went into Edinburgh to join the happy throng of tourists on Calton Hill.
The couple on the disgrace may just have completed my photographic scavenger hunt for the start of the new session in September (some of the others have only got 1 or 2 out of the 10 required ..... they need to open their eyes more).

When looking down towards the St. James Centre, I couldn't help wondering just how uncomfortable these chairs must be.
We met a very nice Brazilian Girl who is in town for three days just to take pictures.
I think she should have got some nice ones on the hill as the sun went down.
How many pictures were taken by people on the plane I wonder.

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