Resistance is futile

It was a battle of wills today, between my (Thursday) boss and I.

The green toothbrush in the photo is my boss's; it gives me nightmares just thinking about it. He says it's at least 2 years old, so I think way overdue for a new one (given that we advocate 3 monthly changes to our patients).

I suggested him getting a new one last week, but he said he only changes it when he gets a freebie replacement (despite having a cupboard full of stock).

So I raided my own stock to find him a new toothbrush (the purple one), which I gave him today.

He wasn't at all convinced, as he felt there was plenty of life in the old brush yet, but I insisted (as his dental care professional) that we should practice what we preach and he should change it now.

An oscar winning performance ensued, with him parading through my surgery, brush in hand, to drop the green brush in my bin.

That should have been the end of it......but when he thought I was distracted on reception, he sneaked back into surgery and retrieved the brush from the bin!!!!! (The bin has an infra red sensor that beeps when the lid opens, so it didn't take Columbo to work out what he was up to!)

However, while he was distracted, I sneaked into the back room and removed green brush again.
I daren't throw it away, that's more than my jobs worth, so it's in a safe place.....for now.

My next challenge is to dispense with the month old piece of floss he cherishes........!

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