
This seagull seemed to think that if she looked all coy and sweet I might share my lunch with her. She was wrong!

I flew up to Auckland this morning for another conference. It is at a hotel right on the Panmure Basin so it was lovely to sit outside having lunch, overlooking the water. But we did get a little mobbed with gulls wanting to share.

A very worthwhile day conference wise, Guy Claxton was the keynote speaker today and also did a workshop. I also managed to attend a couple of workshops with Nathan Mikare-Wallis, and tomorrow James Nottingham is the morning keynote. Brilliant line-up.

At lunch time I noticed a number of kingfishers and herons out on the basin so after the conference I took a walk around the water's edge with my camera. There were so many kingfishers out there that I kept losing count - but there were definitely more than 20!

Unfortunately my big lens doesn't really fit in my luggage (and I didn't know I'd want it on this trip) so no decent photos were obtainable. I may try another walk around the seawall in the morning when the tide will be closer in so the birds will be closer in too.

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