Best friends

The end of another school year and another successful one for all of us I think.

Dexter has completed his first year of pre-school, and although he can still cling to me when I drop him off in the morning, he has grown in confidence and seems to have charmed his teachers and classmates. He has started showing an interest in drawing and writing and likes to see our happy responses when he writes his name. It seems that he is quite the runner as he has been seen charging around the track way ahead of his classmates. I'm not going to get too excited yet as hubby has football plans for him!

Olivia goes from strength to strength at school and her recent school report had us glowing with pride as she is generally achieving above and beyond what is expected at this stage, especially her reading which she is passionate about. She has also started to form some very close friendships and she has started talking about sleepovers which I'm not so keen on as I just don't think I'm ready for them yet!

Hubby was promoted this year and continues to be in demand to deliver workshops around the world and I was asked to coach two seasons on top of my normal job which I really enjoyed.

We're looking forward to a well earned rest now!

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