If You Could See Me Now


Buskers Festival!

"The cure for bordem is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity."
- Dorothy Parker

Spent the day with Hattie today.

Firstly we went to a vegetarian restaurant, which was something VERY new for me! It was very cool! All the waitresses were wearing Sari's and it smelt like a gypsy shop - if you know what I mean, musky and the like.

The food was great! I couldn't eat it all! There was so much!

Then we went to this show! We missed the start of it, but it was amazing!

I tend to look for the person with the brightest costume, and it was the red and pink one!

There was also a guy, the MC I think, who looked like a younger version of Russel Brand!

He was very cute. Looked like a total 'Bad Boy.' ;)

Then we had Gelato and went home :)

It was a busy day and, like a total nana, I'm exhuasted!

I also washed my hair for the first time since it was cut, and I look like a total Frizz-ball - but I smell like Mandarins and Coconuts!!!


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