
By LaKwAtSeRa

Ticket Frenzy

I have never bought a lot of tickets in one day for a lot of different things until now. I must have bought at least 5 different tickets! And in the haste of buying, I mistakenly booked Buckingham Palace for the 28th instead of the 27th! I panicked but i was so relieved when the ticket sales personnel allowed me to change my booking. She said they dont normally allow changes but for some reason, i was an exemption. I must have done something right to deserve it :)

This ticket buying madness is in preparation for a friend's visit next week here in the UK and it is my turn to bring her around some parts of the country as she did the same for me October of last year when i went to Belgium.

It was also today that i finally secured my September accommodation. I paid half of the rent and I received good news that I can move in as early as August 28. That is 2 days before my current contract here in Leamington ends. This is less stressful than transfering on the day of my contract expiration because i dont really need to transfer my things all in one day. I can gradually bring things into my new room until i finally leave my current flat on the 30th of August.

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