Mrs Brown's girls

By Jenbrown83

Happy Birthday Niamh!

Hip hip hooray - Niamh is 2 today! And I can't think of a better picture to sum you up - cheeky, mischievous, but utterly adorable!

I can't believe how much you've grown up and become your own little person - it doesn't seem like a moment ago you relied on us for everything and now here you are, becoming fiercely independent. You learn new words each and every day, you find new ways to make us laugh (and shout!), and you win the hearts of everyone with your mischievousness and cuteness. I'm sometimes convinced you were swapped with a monkey at birth - you spend more of you life climbing and looking for mischief than any kid I've ever met! One of your favourite things to do is push the cushion off the sofa and slide down it...and then climb back up...and repeat x100! You've found your way onto windowsills and kitchen tops and nothing is ever safe from you! But at the same time you know how to turn on the cuteness - if I tell you "I love you", you'll reply "More" or "Most". You're utterly fascinated with Frozen and will just break out into your own versions of the song day and night. You give great "huggles" - I think me and Emily get a dozen a day. You're always to be found with your hand in somebody's hair - mine is your favourite, but every girl you come into contact with knows to expect to be 'Niamhed'. You're brave - you'll try anything, including your first little solo roller coaster ride last month!

But most of all - and I'll enjoy this while I still can - you're 100% a Mammy's girl. I hate leaving you to go to work - but I love that moment when I walk back in on an evening and you light up and rush at me. Long may it last!

I love you "Most!"

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