Naked in the Rain

By taude

Sunrise on Maui from Lahina

I'm still on east coast time, so when I was wide awake, blinking, at 4 a.m., I decided I was going to capture a sunrise photo before it became laborious to get out of bed.

However, there was one catch, I had no idea where the sun was going to come up. I went out to the pool, which seemed to be the furthest point away from land in my area and waited. Then the sky started getting brighter on the other side of the mountain.

The regular photos were pretty crap. The sunrise wasn't even very spectacular. It was pretty blah. So, I started firing off some multiple exposures and eventually blended them in Photoshop. This was I could capture some of the foreground color, but keep details in the sky. I wish I could post a before shot because it was so bleh...

So, with this photo, I'm out of my shotting food for the moment.

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