Return to the North

By Viking


For 8 years I thought of Murchison as my home and it was, while I was there :-) but like the faithless wretch that I am, the South coast of the South island is now my home. For how long, who knows?

It was a gloriously sunny day to day and I have Pi**ed about doing just about nothing. I really should have gone into work and i did for about 20 minutes but with the heating off it was too cold so i came home intending to do some work at home. ha bloody ha.

I headed out to Bluecliffs to catch the sunset skies. The road down to the sea where I stop is private land with some farmer having plotted off the land for sea view houses that none wants to / can afford to build. So I tend to stop at the brow of the hill to take my shots. These three poles are his marker for the development. Like the strong pinks behind.
More shots here

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