Moving Into The Unknown

By dvdlodi

Baldwin Saloon

This is one of many historical buildings in The Dalles. Built in 1876 it was originally operated by brothers James and John Baldwin. With the railroad tracks right out front and the Columbia River a stone's throw from the saloon, I can only imagine what a typical Saturday night was like at the Baldwin. At one point there was even a brothel in a small wood frame building attached to the back of the saloon. Predecessor to one stop shopping at the strip mall?

Day 2 of my conference and the temperature approached 100 degrees this afternoon as I began my drive back home. The Dalles is a wonderful small town steeped in rich history and full of character. Glad I was able to spend time in this fun community.

And thanks for the fantastic viewing response to my photo of the "Floozies and Friends" from yesterday: Here

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