Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Denis Healy, Living Legend

A Hagiography....
There are few enough times in a lifespan when one gets the chance to meet a legend.
Denis, above, is just one of those.
I came across this hoor, by calculated chance, about thirteen years ago.
And he has shaped, and shaded, and saddled my life ever since.

A gourmand, a lover of life and all it offers, a foodie beloved of foodies all over.
A vin tippler, whos educated palete puts most to shame.
A businessman, beset, more than most, but successful by dint of his exceptional personality.

A farmer, kicking againt the pricks since '81, growing organically, and bringing it to the people- good food, loving food, and loving what that implies....

Craic and .....
providing a future for our children.

Jaysus, dont talk to me about the children!!!
He should have zipped it up years ago, but...
if he had, we wouldnt have the Electric Melvin, and the (sometimes) Ascerbic Aisling...

I cannot say enough about this man, except to say...

he has saved my life, at least twice, without even knowing it...

DH- Athair, brathair, cara...

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