All that jazz

By frankbrett


Time I commented on this. Why not?

Cheating though, I'll just repeat my Facebook post:

"My friends in Scotland. You have just over two months to go before the biggest day in your collective lives. I was thinking that it would be terrible to lose you, but that’s stupid – it’s not as if you are suddenly going to float off into the Arctic Ocean or something. You’ll still be there – right where you always have been.

Don’t listen to the negative scare-stories coming from the ‘No’ campaign. Yes, sure there will be unknowns coming the way of an independent Scotland, but the point is YOU will be the ones to decide what to do about them. You are a great and inventive bunch of people in a great and beautiful country. Go for it! You won’t get this opportunity again for a very long time. I wish I had the chance to vote for independence from Westminster – and you actually do!

Just a couple of requests: a) Keep making Single Malt (I’ll buy it in any currency you want) and b) let me come and visit every now-and-again (I promise I’ll be good). "

Especially for WhiskyFoxtrot

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