Picking off the candles from J's birthday cake

Playpark in the morning with Daddy and Mummy. Ran into L from dancing class who'd cycled here with her mummy and daddy. A wee walk and I'd almost nodded off, but waiting around outside ours and a couple of shops soon ensured I was wide awake. Stories and battle of the naps ensued (I lost, eventually) and then I woke up at J's house. It was his birthday so I made sure I said "Happy birthday to YOU!" lots of times like we'd practised. He loved his robot fish present. It eats carrots. We ate cake - dairy-free by S's mummy and chocolate fish (except Baby who just threw food on the floor). Also there were a wee girl who ran really fast and C who is very wee and quiet.
We went to the playpark on the way home, then we were supposed to eat dinner (I was not hungry) and were not allowed to play trains any more. Baby and I had a bath and Baby fell right under the water but Mummy got him out again. I went right under too but I got myself out.

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