Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

'Come onnn'

Ernie's really been enjoying hanging out with his great-grandparents although he's a little wary of his 'papa'. He refuses to give him much of a cuddle or a giggle and we think it's probably because he doesn't have a beard! However, when papa's not around, he's all the wee man talks about!

Great-grandma Carol, or 'GG' as she's known, however, has been getting lots of cuddles and kisses from him. And he's been enjoying copying her phrases, particularly saying 'Come onnn' in a nice, slow Oklahoman accent (she says 'come on' to her two dogs when she's ready for them to go outside). He's even been saying it to his Mum when he wants her to do something and she's not moving fast enough! Good lad.

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