Feeling Blue
This little fella has spent far too much of today watching me.
In other words, I have spent far too much of the day at my desk trying to catch up with things.
Two AGM's to prepare for, a full week's work including a day down in Cardiff and then back for next weekend running 'Hotel Diverdriver' for son and wife and two friends. Looking forward to it really!
And I can't complain as he has just re-vamped my web-site for me. It's looking great.
Please notice two things being held by little blue man.
Letter opener bought while on holiday in Spain circa 1965! (I know I don't look that old)
And parking ticket number three of 2010, purchased at Heathrow when delivering Bananablip to her flight to Zambia a week ago. This one cost me £6.30. Daylight robbery!
And brings the total spent on parking so far this year to £9.30. And it's still only January!
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