Views of my world

By rosamund


My mood was as mixed as my warp and I feel like I'll struggle to find three happy things today...

1. Warping up with a gorgeous skein of easy knits yarn bought at Woolfest, the yarn is variegated so I get lots of colour without even trying
2. Having a lovely long lie in my own bed
3. My boys bringing me cups of tea as I was spinning and watching TV.

I was desperate to start weaving but unfortunately when I went to get a wooden shuttle to wind on yarn to weave with I noticed the bottom of it was all wet and the vase that holds all my shuttles had about 3 inches of water in. The ceiling above was sporting some cracks I haven't noticed before so we'll need to get on to the landlords tomorrow. Thankfully the shuttles have dried out but I might need to give the ends that got wet a gentle sand as they don't seem just as smooth as they were before.

I finished spinning the bright yellow silk also bought at Woolfest so tomorrow I hope to ply it with the yellow batts I made then use it with this warp. It would be nice to have a new piece finished before WoolFeis in Benderloch on Saturday where I'm selling my wares.

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