
4years 266days

The Nursery Games began today! A week long sports bonanza. Today the mascot from our local premier league team came along and lead the kids in some games. Katie was not impressed by the game (stick in the mud, it messed with her perception of tig, she didn't like that). She wouldn't go near Rory but did enjoy waving at him and said she gave him a high5.

After nursery we went swimming. She did some nice backstroke for me and then spent several lengths as though she'd forgotten every bit of technique she's carefully worked on for the last few months! But it was nice to be in the water and not outside in the muggy weather (hot I like, heavy I do not).

One of our Monday routines (until term ends this week) is a library trip every other week. We went today. She returns her own books, using the children's self service machine. She stacks them proudly on the trolley and rushes to choose a huge stack more. Today the books were all around the theme of pets apart from one about cousins and one she said is like her & I that we joint read. She checked them all out herself too. We read The Perfect Pet together. It's an usbourne and I liked the format- left page for parents, right page for child. She did really well with it. I forget how many words she now has proper sight recognition of until I show her totally unfamiliar books like this.

We stopped at the local shops on the way home. I offered her a bakery snack or the green grocers. She asked for raspberries. We bought strawberries too. In the time it took me to post a parcel, she'd eaten all the raspberries. It took her less than half the remaining walk to finish the strawberries (although I had a few to save her poor tummy!)

She had a fairly spectacular tumble on the way home, giving herself road rash up her hands, arms and both knees so we stopped at the pharmacy we pass for some magic cream. She looked quite tired out from there on & was straight to bed after her tea!

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