
By Cazzlebrook

Accidental imaging

Sometimes, some of the most aesthetically pleasing images happen by total accident. Today was Finn's 'graduation' from Pre-school and he wore a handmade 'mortar' board. Just before bed I asked him to put it on so that I could take a photograph of him. He gets a bit sick of it sometimes and often asks me to 'stop photoing him' he put the mortar board on but then crawled under the bed.....
So, I pointed the camera at him and pressed the shutter before checking any settings was pretty dark under there and the shutter opened and stayed opened for quite a long time....Finn must have stayed relatively still for a while and so must I (I hold my breath when doing anything long exposure/hand held, It's similar to shooting a gun, the stiller you are the better the aim). He must have moved towards the end of the exposure as there's some slight double exposure and blur but I quite like it, it's almost like a pastel drawing or a watercolour. There's definitely something a bit painterly in it's quality.

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