All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Ethan's first words when he woke up this morning were "I want to go and see my gerbils"! He seems very taken with them!

I took Ethan to see Legends of Oz at the cinema again this morning because it was on at Kids AM so was nice and cheap. His friend Anna came along too with her mummy.

The 4 of us then went up to their friend Lucinda's house for lunch and a playdate.

Back home and hubbie has started raising our "vegetable patch" - we've never been able to plant anything in it since he built it last year because the cats seem to think it's their litter tray. So we're making it into raised beds to try to stop them accessing it.

Ethan had his first cuddles with his new gerbils this afternoon. Well, with Lucinda at least - she seems to be the most confident of the two so far.

I did some more gardening while hubbie took Ethan over to the Foreveryoungs for his weekly sleepover. Lets see how long the new plants last before I kill them off, which is what usually happens!

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