Mono Monday ~ Trees.

My Mono Monday entry for this week, hosted by Gingernan, comes complete with its own fairy story.

Late last year my daughter Emma and I made a visit to the Bangalow Markets (near Byron Bay) and we got chatting, as you do, to one of the stall holders, a most interesting a rather alternative gentleman, who shared a story with us....

I don't know how we got onto the topic of fairies, but he told us that they live in trees. Some trees may have thousands of fairies living in them, and those are the trees where birds will be happy and spend their time perched on the branches, in among the fairies. And if there is a tree that you are particularly fond of, a tree that has a good feeling to it, you are sensing the fairies, who no doubt love the tree and have made it their home.

"Oh I have a tree just like that in my garden!" I told him, and I do....but now, whenever I look up into the branches of my tree, I imagine fairies sitting along the branches, guarding the leaves, and chatting with the birds.

The man went on to say that although his story was completely truthful, he realised that there were people who couldn't cope with such trusts, so for those, he would make up a story for them, just to keep them happy.

I assured him that I was very comfortable with the truth, and we bid him goodbye. :)

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